Menswear OOTD

To me women in men’s clothing allure a certain je ne sais quoi. And let’s be honest, us women wear anything better than men.   




I’m wearing H&M men’s long sleeve shirt, André wedges and Juicy Couture bag.


Glowing Skin How To:


People often don’t realize skincare starts from the inside. The skin is the largest organ in the body and also the last to receive nutrients. It’s therefore obvious that when someone has the right diet, they radiate health and their skin “glows”. Of course the right nutrients won’t do all the work. Outside elements tend to take a toll on our skin (heat, pollution, cold etc), and we have to protect it and nourish it best we can.

1.    A Nutrient Rich Diet


  • Our bodies are filled with what we call free radicals. They mix with the oxygen in the body and essentially cause oxidation. This causes premature aging. To help fight against this, load up with antioxidant rich foods, like dark berries, dark chocolate (in moderate amounts) and tea.
  • In addition, make sure to consume as much vitamins B, C, D and E, as they are known for their skin enhancing properties. They produce collagen, have natural anti-inflammatory properties, boost the skins luminosity etc. So don’t skip those avocados or salmon as they are good fats, and are filled with many of these crucial vitamins.

Tip: They say having six different colors in your plate is over 90% of your recommended daily dose of vitamins.


2.    Beauty Routine

Ideally the routine goes, Cleanse, tone and moisturize… But nowadays, our skin is exposed to a lot more strenuous elements, so it is recommended to add a couple more steps:
  • Cleansing your skin daily is very important to its health. It cleans the dirt, excess oil and other impurities out of your pores.
  •  Toning is also vital to the routine, as it clears the last bits of gunk the cleanser cannot reach. This step goes hand in hand with removing your makeup…Most women are quite guilty of skipping this step. Don’t forget to cleanse and tone your neck as well.

Tip: For those who don’t like toning because of the alcohol, try using rose water, it’s a lot more gentle and works beautifully.
  • Moisturizing is a must as well. A common misconception is that oily skin types don’t need to moisturize. Au contraire, after cleansing, it is important to restore your skin’s moisture. This also serves as a “barrier” against impurities, and comforts the skin during harsh weather.
  • Sunscreen should become your new best friend. The damaging sun rays cause premature aging, spots, melanoma and much more. Sun shouldn’t suddenly become your enemy either, because it does let your body absorb some Vitamin D. Just be gentle to your body and skin.

Tip: Pick a moisturizer with SPF 3O.

  • Exfoliating the dead skin cells once a week is great for a fresh looking face right away. It removes the impurities better than cleansing and toning. You cannot use it every day as it is very rough on the skin, but a small chock treatment from time to time is good, and you can notice how soft and clean your face looks after.
  • ·Masks are other great treatments. There are different types of facial masks for all kinds of skin type. Preferably used once a week, they can deep-clean your face, tighten your pores, exfoliate and eliminate the dead skin.
  • While all these steps and tips are all necessary and important, we cannot forget the most vital element which is H2O. Water flushes out the toxins, replenishes your skin and is the number one way to clear it up! Most bad skin problems are caused by dietary negligence, so try and make adjustments to your everyday intake.

Lemon Water Benefits