About Me

Port-Au-Prince, Haiti

Dear Fashionistas (and brave Fashionistos),

Welcome to Fashion Ayiti! A blog dedicated to all things fashion and beauty related, while simultaneously capturing Haiti’s fashion and style.

I’m a 20 something girl blogging from Haiti with a mind and style of her own. I am also the Fashion editor for Viv Magazine (www.vivmaghaiti.com)


Fashion Ayiti was created 3 years ago as a platform to share with my readers my passion for fashion by sharing some tips, trends news, and by promoting  the ever growing fashion scene in our country Haiti. For the past 3 years, FA has gained a significant amount of followers and has created a name for itself in Haiti.


“Fashion represents your state of mind, your mood and your personality, and in doing so,  helps define us as individuals in a society.” 

Need advice? Do not hesitate to ask!

Follow me on Instagram and Twitter @fashionAYITI @emmalaham
Visit my Tumblr: http://fashionayiti.tumblr.com/
Like my Facebook page: Fashion Ayiti
E-mail: info@fashionayiti.com


17 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Designed clothes since i was a teenager.Former Jeafa Model,Actual Fashionista myself and avid follower of everything “La Mode” has to offer…Dior, Alberta Ferreti, D&G, Celine, Chanel, Cerruti…You name it I love it ! But never in my Dreams I would have though reading a “Haitian version” of ELLE Mag !!! Totally ricked girls and the pictures ! We need it sooo Much ! Le Magasine de mode et de varietes ! When adding the Night life Fashion to your blog ? Can’t wait to read more and…croos you on the street for picture ! LOL Long live Fashion Ayiti and warm regards to Em, Lo and Dane !!

    1. Franosh – As I was reading the fashion blog, you came to mind. And here you are. With your strong drawing abilities I always pictured you as the next Stella McCartney. Well – I don’t think it’s too late 😉

  2. I really love this site – you three have done a Fabulous job! I was born in Haiti, lived in Miami for over 20 years. I now reside in Atlanta GA. I am a self-taught Visual Artist. My interests are Art, Fashion, Home Decor, Entertainment, Theater & Pop Culture. All those elements, along with my life experience inspire me to create my paintings. I love bold colors, I love texture and I love patterns and shape. And those can also be found in a piece of clothing. Fashion is Art indeed. I am looking forward to reading your future blogs. I love Fashion Ayiti!!!

  3. The first word that comes to mind is JOY! It’s a short,3-letter word but its the emotion that fits me finding your website this morning. My morning routine is to wake up and find something on the web, in a book, in a magazine, anywhere to inspire me and put a smile on my face and KEEP the smile on my face for the entire day. Not in a crazy clown looking way though. 😊Just a way to start my day off right. Today, I started my day that way with FASHION ayiti!!
    FASHION has been a passion for me since I was a tot flipping and folding through pages of VOGUE, ELLE, Mademoiselle, etc (American and French versions..lol). Combining two things that I love Fashion and Ayiti in one place -you ladies are like Santa Claus giving me an early Christmas present!!

    Finding this blog means much to me since I am in the United Arab Emirates and need different ways to stay “connected” to the going-ons of Ayiti, fashionably and culturally speaking of course.

    During my holiday there this past summer, I saw how “fly” the dames and dudes were dressing. I was in heaven!!! I am so proud of you ladies. I am always “shoving” my Haitian pride in people’s mouths ….and now with this find of FASHION Ayiti. All I can say is open wide people!

    Much continued success in all your endeavors. I will be making Fashion Ayiti apart of my daily JOY seeker. I can’t wait to share this with my family and friends right after I hit post comment.

    1. Fashion is a cultural phenomenon. It’s so often transient, but at the same time one of the most polished mirrors of our time. Unlike other art forms and creative media, Fashion Ayiti is a mode of self-expression for all players involved: the designer makes clothes to express their personality, and the consumer wears them for the same purpose. Fashion Ayiti also accommodates a number of other creative professions, such as photography, make-up and hair-dressing.

  4. This is a really smart site. They have great insight on the industry and the comment section has really engaging conversations. If you’re interested in the fashion and apparel industry this is a great source of information.

  5. Fashion is a cultural phenomenon. It’s so often transient, but at the same time one of the most polished mirrors of our time. Unlike other art forms and creative media, Fashion Ayiti is a mode of self-expression for all players involved: the designer makes clothes to express their personality, and the consumer wears them for the same purpose. Fashion Ayiti also accommodates a number of other creative professions, such as photography, make-up and hair-dressing.

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